
Amazing Me exhibit showcases photography skills and student knowledge

April 27, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Grade 3 students at Orangeville Christian School had a chance to show off their photography skills and talk about a project they had been working on at school.

The Amazing Me: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit held at Café at the Centre on Hansen Blvd. in Orangeville on Monday, April 24, featured photographs taken by students and information on the physical parts of the body.

Each student had the opportunity to focus on a body part of their choice.

Grade 3 teacher, Julie Scrivens, arranged for several health professionals to come to the classroom and speak to the students and explain how different parts of the body work and how human bodies function. The children learned about things like how the circulatory and nervous systems work and why keeping your teeth in good shape is so important.

The kids were then asked to complete an assignment on a particular body part and explain some things, like the importance of legs and how they work.

Art teacher Joy Blackburn, who is also a professional photographer, worked with the children to teach them how to take an interesting photograph for the project.

“Our school does a program called Expeditionary Learning – every spring each class does something that gives them a real world experience,” Ms. Blackburn explained. “This year they have been learning about how their bodies work. We’ve had doctors come in, dentists, a psychiatrist, all kinds of people have come in talking about your brain, your eyes, and all the cool things your body can do. That was combined with an art project highlighting something amazing about what their body does. They worked with a partner, and had about eight different photography tricks they could use. They took the pictures themselves and it was their idea of how to do it.”

Nine-year-old Ariana chose to focus on the mouth for her project.

“We had people like doctors, come over and speak to us,” Ariana explained. “They taught us about body parts. We had a dental hygienist come, so I thought the mouth would be my favourite. I learned all the different types of teeth we have, and that our front teeth help us talk.”

Ariana had her photo taken while biting into a pear to show her project on the mouth. She then took a photo of her partner eating an apple.

The photography by the students was well done, and they took advantage of different angles and lighting to make interesting photos.

The final project was placed on exhibit at the Café on Monday, April 24, with the children making a verbal presentation to parents.

The exhibit will be moved to a local church for the weekend before returning to the school.

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