September 29, 2016 · 0 Comments
MUCH AS WE SYMPATHIZE with the neighbours of Mono’s splendid new Adamo winery who went to Mono Council this week to complain about the “bird bangers”, it seems the devices are working.
Jean Paul Adamo, the winery’s president, was present to respond to the complaints and the statistic he offered must have impressed at least some in the audience.
Last year, when the winery tried to get along without the noise makers, about 75 per cent of the crop fell victim to feasting birds (mainly starlings and robins). This year, thanks to the bird bangers and other devices aimed at scaring off the birds, the loss to date has been just 12 per cent.
There’s no doubt the propane-induced explosions roughly every three minutes from dawn to dusk are destroying the immediate area’s normal peace and quiet. But it also seems everyone welcomes Dufferin’s first winery and that the device to scare off birds is a necessary evil.