
7 eye-opening tips for healthier vision

May 26, 2016   ·   0 Comments

Our eyes play an important role in our overall health. According to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, one in seven Canadians will develop a serious eye disease in their lifetime, but 75 per cent of vision loss can be prevented or treated. Since May is Vision Health Month, here are seven tips to protect your peepers.

Get your eyes checked: Although you may not experience any symptoms, certain eye conditions – such as glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) – can be caught early with regular eye exams.

Eat well: Your mom was right – carrots are good for your eyes! So are fish, fresh fruit, and dark leafy vegetables.

Butt out: Smoking increases the risk of developing AMD, which is the leading cause of vision loss in people aged 50 and older. Reduce your risk by quitting your tobacco habit now.

Stay active: Regular exercise strengthens our cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which helps to keep the little blood vessels in our eyes healthy and happy.

Be safe in the sun: Protect your eyes from sunlight by wearing a brimmed hat and sunglasses with at least 98 per cent UV protection.

Don’t forget protective eyewear: Do you play sports or work with power tools? Protect your eyes with CSA-approved goggles or safety glasses.

Cut back on alcohol: Heavy drinking increases the risk of cataracts. Cut down the risk by cutting down your alcohol intake.

Headwaters Health Care Centre’s ophthalmology program helps patients requiring surgery for conditions like cataracts, glaucoma and eye trauma.

Last fiscal year, the hospital’s full-time ophthalmologist performed approximately 570 cataract procedures, giving patients access to high-quality eye surgery closer to home. Committed to providing high quality and compassionate care, Headwaters aims to provide an Exceptional Experience Every Time.

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