
Be mindful of senior friends and family during pandemic isolation

November 13, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

After eight months of society living in a situation were contact with other people has been discouraged and social circles have been reduced to the bare minimum, the impact on mental health must be considered when it comes to the well being of those who are living alone.

According to Mental Health Research Canada, one of the key indicators of mental wellness is our ability to connect with others in a meaningful way. The study found that people living alone were the most vulnerable.

The Suicide Awareness Council of Wellington-Dufferin has observed that older adults are often cut off from their communities and the activities they previously enjoyed. Many Seniors do not have access to technology, transportation, and limited access to social gatherings can contribute to loneliness and isolation.

These factors can contribute to feelings of suicide, self-harm, and suicidal ideation,” said Awareness Council coordinator, Heather Glenister, said “There are many resources in the community – seniors need to know how to access them and feel comfortable doing so. Sometimes it’s about having something to smile about.”

Keeping seniors in mind, the Council has created a mini-magazine called Mindful for Older Adults.

The Council believes that older adults have important stores to tell. Those stories weave a mosaic of courage, sadness, resilience, grief, joy, isolation, tears, and laughter.

Mental wellness is one thread that holds these stories together.

Mindful for Older Adults s filled with practical resources, information on suicide prevention, and beautiful photos.

You can view it on-line at

For over 20 years, the Suicide Council of Wellington-Dufferin has been fostering suicide awareness and creating opportunities for dialogue about life promotion and mental well-being.

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