
A study in contrasts

May 26, 2016   ·   0 Comments

AT A TIME when the billionaire likely to become the next president of the United States is promising to ban all immigration of Muslims, not just refugees from war-torn Syria, it’s refreshing to learn of the help given last week to one of the refugee families in Shelburne.

Just in time for the warm holiday weekend, the seven children of the Al Diri family were all given refurbished bicycles thanks to the efforts of their sponsors, Orangeville’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and one of the town’s bicycle shops, Cycling Elements on Wellington Street.

As you may have read elsewhere in this issue, the seven bikes were donated by members of the church’s congregation and taken to Cycling Elements, which not only made sure they were all in good operating condition but donated safety helmets for the seven kids, aged 5 to 12, to wear.

It’s interesting to note that with all we are reading about terrorism by radical islamists, Canada has welcomed 25,000 Syrians, most of them Muslims, without a shred of evidence to support fears that terrorists might have slipped in among them.

What a contrast to what we’re hearing from Mr. Trump!

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