
Yogo studio “a dream come true”

April 3, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Jasen Obermeyer

A local yoga studio is the product of a woman’s long-held dream, providing a place of peace for all who come.

“This is the definition of a dream come true,” is how Jennifer Bascom described founding Lion’s Den Yoga Studio, located at 145 Broadway. Launched on February 1st, the studio has 14 teachers providing a soothing experience for anyone looking to get away from the hectic, stressful schedules of everyday life.

In an interview with the Citizen, Ms. Bascom discussed how she discovered yoga 10 years ago because it saved her life. “It really saved me from my depression. It strengthened everything good in my life, it made my relationships better, it made me better as a mom, it made me a better teacher.”

An elementary teacher in Mississauga, she explained how four years ago, she had open brain surgery to clip an unruptured brain aneurism, and was physically and emotionally drained, but it was a blessing in disguise. Determined not to lie around and do nothing, she was further driven to do yoga. “All the good feelings came back, and I started practicing everyday.”

Ms. Bascom decided to teach yoga in the hopes of opening her own studio, and sure enough, it happened, which she said is the most amazing thing she’s ever done, as she didn’t think it was possible to love anything else besides being an elementary school teacher. “Doing (yoga) makes everything possible.”

Asked what she enjoys about yoga so much, she simply said the peace of it. “There is no place else that I have found where there’s mandatory quiet, and mandatory relaxation.”

She added she likes how yoga allows for inclusivness, accessibility, love, integrity and isn’t judgmental. “I want everyone to do yoga.”

Ms. Bascom said she still sees new faces amongst the regulars everyday, and notices how some people are fidgety and anxious at first, but after a few classes, they are instantly relaxed, like “watching a balloon deflate.”

The relationship between the instructor and students is one of trust she explained. “The instructors are being trusted to provide a safe and physical experience that affords the opportunity for learning and challenge, and strengthening and softening.”

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