November 30, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Mike Baker
Following the success of last year’s pilot program, the Town of Orangeville has confirmed it will once again provide overflow winter parking at two municipal parks in the community.
The Town has designated space at Rotary Park and Fendley Park for parking. The entire parking lot at Fendley Park will be available for overnight parking, while only part of the Rotary Park lot will be made available. Signs have been erected informing users about which area of the lot is to be used on which night, allowing other sections to be plowed and sanded.
Town Council came to the decision to open the parking lots for overnight winter parking last November, offering a solution to local residents who typically park their vehicles on the street. The Town’s traffic bylaw prohibits overnight parking on municipal property during the winter months. Coming into effect on Saturday (Dec. 1), the bylaw restricts on-street parking and parking in municipal lots between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. It will run until March 31.
Violations can result in having a vehicle ticketed or towed. Outgoing Mayor Jeremy Williams stated last year the bylaw was necessary to allow Town staff to effectively remove snow from municipal roads and parking lots during the winter.
Residents are also reminded that it is an offence under the Town’s bylaws to park their vehicle over a sidewalk. Once again, violations can result in a vehicle being ticketed or towed.