
Williams ‘not mayor material’

March 23, 2018   ·   0 Comments

Your front page coverage of Mayor Jeremy Williams cavorting with the provincial (formerly Progressive) Conservative Party leader has once again shown Williams is not Mayor material. His past exploits and machinations have now been topped by one of the greatest disrespectful, poor judgment decisions, a Mayor in Ontario can make.

He has broken the sacred relationship which exists between Ontario Municipal Government and the upper tier Government.

His blatant support of Doug Ford is against a standard where Municipal local politics is kept separated from Provincial politics.

By recommending and openly promoting his support of Doug Ford, he has lost the support of Orangeville citizens who vote Green, NDP or Liberal. It appears his true colours are coming out as he is attempting to move us toward the American model which thrives on partisan politics from the Feds, State and County; down to local Municipal government.

The American model is a divisive and corrupting model that does not function well and lacks the community spirit that allows our Ontario communities to flourish regardless of who is in power; Provincially or Federally.

Williams is the laughing stock of the County Council now where his lack of decorum at County functions, his failure to relate with fellow Councillors, his attempt to be presidential is already costing Orangeville in these days of needed cooperation and good will.

He can have his own support for XYZ candidates Provincially but he should keep it to himself.

He will not get my vote when Municipal elections roll around.

Winston Uytenbogaart

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