October 22, 2018 · 0 Comments
NEVER, IN ITS 44-YEAR EXISTENCE, has the Citizen ever endorsed a candidate for any office at any level of government. And hopefully that will remain the case forever.
Granted, this isn’t what all newspapers do. Some, like the Toronto Sun, don’t need to, because their endorsations become obvious in their news coverage.
In our view, all of those who choose to seek office deserve to be considered by the electorate, and our job should be simply to communicate their views and leave it to the voters to select their favourites.
In Orangeville this time there obviously is an abundance of candidates, and particularly for the five seats as councillor. Inevitably, some of the 12 candidates who fall short would make excellent councillors.
In the circumstances, our single plea to you readers is that you take the time to read all the pages in the election special and determine which of the candidates best express what you think needs to happen in the new council’s four-year term.
Vote as you like, but please vote!