December 1, 2016 · 0 Comments
Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter out of frustration and disgust, It’s about the downhill slide of our great country, where corruption and greed by our own government is bringing us down.
Just some few examples I would like to state of many, the names should be obvious. Trudeau, Wynne, McGuinty and Sousa. Trudeau, just like all Liberals before him, thinks you can borrow your way into prosperity. Not true.
We’re one year into his term now and we have a deficit of almost $30 billion, not one new full-time job created, millions more in interest payments and debt.
Stephen Harper in one more term would have eliinated the deficit and created thousands of jobs.
Our current provincial government is maybe worse than our federal one. Wynne, McGuinty and cohorts like Sousa and others are ripe with corruption and fraud. Some are under investigation right now… As we all know, there won’t be any consequences.
There is so much influence, peddling and bribery going on, it’s crazy. There are several examples of this, number one being the current cost of hydro.
It’s time to stop this nepotism, greed and theft of taxpayers respect and money. Stop the entitlement and the blatant disrespect of the people. The only reason this continues is that there are no consequences for our politician’s actions.
I have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren growing up in this county and I want them to know a county of respect and honesty, not this.
Jim Campbell