June 29, 2017 · 0 Comments
WITH CANADA DAY FALLING on a Saturday this year, most Canadians who don’t normally work on a Saturday will be able to take Monday, July 3, off, since this year it is a statutory holiday. And some who work for U.S.-owned firms might also get an extra-long weekend.
However, a quick check of the Web indicates that some employers are closing on Friday, despite the fact that the school year in Ontario doesn’t end until June 30.
And a check with Dufferin County’s waste services department confirms that for some reason there won’t be the normal day-later waste collection on other weeks that have Monday as a holiday, such as Victoria, Labour and Thanksgiving days. And barring a change in schedule, the same will hold true in 2018 when Canada Day falls on Sunday.
So, despite the fact banks and government offices will be closed next Monday, the big GFL (Green For Life) trucks will be making their normal pickups in Melancthon, Mulmur and parts of Orangeville that day.
Long gone are the days when you could count on all stores and offices being closed on both Sundays and every statutory holiday.
But clearly, the trend of the times hasn’t treated everyone equally.