
What about the student vote?

October 30, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Mike Baker

The makeup of Orangeville’s next council would look a little different if students from across the community had their say.

In a survey carried out by Student Vote 2018, Orangeville’s youngsters sided with regular voters when it came to deciding the community’s next mayor. Sandy Brown led the way with 125 votes from students at Westside Secondary School and Orangeville District Secondary School. Jeremy Williams trailed in second with 77 votes, with Darrin Davidson rounding out the ballot with 62 votes.

The race for deputy mayor was a lot closer than in reality. Andy Macintosh, like he did in the popular vote, came out on top in the student vote, receiving 136 votes. 106 high school students tallied their vote for Nick Garisto.

Now for the interesting part – Orangeville’s students would have selected Joe Andrews (122 votes), Todd Taylor (113 votes), James Jackson (88 votes), Don Kidd (86 votes and Kelly Zammit (82 votes) to serve on the Town’s next council.

Those who made the cut in Monday’s vote, but didn’t in the student ballots include Debbie Sherwood (70 votes), Lisa Post (66 votes) and Grant Peters (65 votes)

The remaining candidates scored as follows: Simran Bhamu (77 votes), Vic Thapar (69 votes), Trevor Castiglione (67 votes) and Robert Duthie (63 votes).

Are you a student who participated in this vote? Email your thoughts on how Monday’s election went to

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