
We should all be prepared

May 5, 2016   ·   0 Comments

THIS WEEK, May 1 to 7, is Emergency Preparedness Week, and all residents of this part of Ontario should find it highly relevant.

Although we’ve never heard of Dufferin being a Tornado Alley, it has been hit by severe tornadoes more than once, including on May 31, 1985, when lives were lost in Grand Valley, the original Mono Plaza was virtually destroyed, and hydro towers and lines were downed.

So this is as good a time as any to visit the federal website, for information on the subject, including advice on making your own emergency plan, something it says will take about 20 minutes to create and put online.

It should include:

• afe exits from home and neighbourhood

• eeting places to reunite with family or roommates

• esignated person to pick up children should you be unavailable

• ontact persons close-by and out-of-town

• ealth and insurance information

• laces for your pet to stay

• isks in your region

• ocation of fire extinguishers, water valve, electrical panel, gas valve and floor drain.

Clearly, words to the wise.

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