
Walk the Block for Parkinson returns this weekend

September 9, 2021   ·   0 Comments

WALK the BLOCK for Parkinson’s is around the corner!
In less than two weeks’ time, Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario, which serves Dufferin County, will host the Walk for Parkinson’s.
On Sept. 11 and 12 the walk will take place and participants have been fundraising over the summer. They plan to walk to raise funds and awareness for Parkinson’s Disease. All funds raised through the walk stay in Southwestern Ontario, supporting programming for over 10,000 people with Parkinson’s Disease.
Most people likely know someone with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). In Canada, 25 people are diagnosed every day. Primary symptoms include: tremors, rigidity, slow movement, postural instability, and sleep disturbance. Many also experience depression, anxiety, dementia, memory problems and difficulty communicating. Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease is on the rise with an estimated 5-10% of people diagnosed being under age 40. By 2030 the number of people with PD is expected to double.
“We had such a great year in 2019 and raised over $460,000” shares Shelley Rivard, CEO, Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario. “On the heels of a successful year, we had originally set 2020 target to raise $485,000, realizing $267,000. This year so far, we’re sitting around $62,000 and hope to be able to reach $350,000. We know it’s a tough year for everyone – but we want the community to know that the needs of people living with Parkinson’s have not diminished through this time. In fact, they’ve become greater” explained Shelley Rivard, CEO of Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario.
“We are so thankful for everyone who is jumping on board and putting their best foot forward for Parkinson’s Disease this year.”
If you want to join in on the Walk for Parkinson’s, you can register online now as an individual or a team, in preparation for the walk on Sept. 11 and 12. Online registrations and donations are encouraged, but the organization will be able to accept cash and cheque donations as well. For more information, to register or to donate, go to

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