May 19, 2016 · 0 Comments
The Upper Grand District School Board has announced its 2016 Everyday Heroes.
Ten winners were selected from a total of 43 exceptional and deserving nominees. This year’s Everyday Hero Awards recipients include dedicated volunteers, teachers, board staff, and others.
The winners are:
Aaron Duncan and Heather Walker, Teachers, Rickson Ridge Public School
• en Edwards, Volunteer, Erin Public School
• red Hoffman, Volunteer, board-wide
• ichelle Kearley, John Rawson, Leta Vos, Kathleen Dropka, Pam Mundy, Erin Leslie, Starlene Steiner, UGDSB Special Olympics Committee, various locations
• ina Meissner, Volunteer, Ponsonby Public School
• icole Patton, Volunteer, Primrose Elementary School
• had Reay, Elementary Curriculum Leader, Grant Evans Education Centre
• atti Schopp, Educational Assistant, Waverley Drive Public School
• ancy Turner, Volunteer, Credit Meadows Elementary School
• ark Yanchus, Teacher, John F. Ross CVI.
The criteria for the annual awards are: performance at a high level at all times, a significant school or system-related achievement, a specific innovation or achievement of significant value or importance to the system, or a unique circumstance worthy of recognition by the board.
The winners will be honoured by the trustees of the board at a reception at the E. L. Fox Auditorium at John F. Ross CVI, 25 Meyer Drive, Guelph at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 1. Refreshments and a social hour will follow the awards in the cafeteria.
This year’s entertainment is the Rickson Ridge Symphonic Band from Guelph and their leader, Aaron Duncan, who will perform O Canada and other selections for the audience.