May 16, 2024 · 0 Comments
Now is the time to share your thoughts about economic development in Orangeville.
As part of its ongoing efforts to support our local business community, the Town of Orangeville is creating a new Economic Development and Culture Strategy. Gathering input from residents, businesses, and other local stakeholders is an essential part of the project. Everyone is invited to participate and an online survey will make it easy to share your opinions.
This new community-based strategy will create a clear, actionable, and comprehensive direction for economic development over the next five years. The strategy will help the Town to respond to changing market conditions, address unique local challenges, and identify future opportunities.
At its core, the role of economic development in Orangeville is to enhance the resilience of our businesses by creating a supportive and flexible environment. However, this work often extends to the broader community.Employment opportunities, available amenities and services, transportation and housing options, and even arts and cultural assets are all considered when businesses choose to operate in Orangeville. For that reason, the Town is encouraging input from a wide and diverse group of stakeholders. Business owners, employees, entrepreneurs, residents, organizations, students, and volunteers are all invited to respond.
“The success of the Economic Development and Culture Strategy relies on feedback from our community,” says Councillor Joe Andrews, Chair of the Town’s Economic Development and Culture Committee. “Creative ideas are welcome as we build our plan and consider new ways to support Orangeville’s businesses.”
A survey is now available online at Each question is open-ended to give participants the opportunity to share any and all ideas. The survey is open until June 16.
Orangeville’s work coincides with a similar project being led by Dufferin County to update its own Economic Development Strategy. In both cases, stakeholder engagement is an integral part of the process. Members of Orangeville’s business community are invited to contribute to both strategies to ensure the Town’s ideas and perspectives are well-represented and understood. Dufferin County is hosting a series Community Insights Workshops that invite participation from members of specific local industries including Manufacturing, Tourism and Real Estate. More details can be found at
For more information about the Town of Orangeville’s Economic Development and Culture Strategy and Action Plan, visit