April 3, 2018 · 1 Comments
Recently Orangeville council voted 4 to 3 in favour of maintaining the current police force vs. a proposal from the OPP to provide policing service to the Town of Orangeville.
Many citizens have expressed concern that the Town acted in error as huge savings were found with the OPP proposal.
Further clarification of the facts are necessary and are as follows.
1. If the OPP took over then all existing employees of the force would be terminated by the town. The current employees would be given the opportunity to reapply for their current positions but no guarantee for employment would be given.
2. The OPP proposal called for the reduction of a minimum of 17 staff positions. No analysis of how that number was arrived at was given.
3. The OPP would require upgrades to the existing physical premises which were estimated to cost $1.5 million dollars (paid for by the Town).
4. All calls would be rerouted to Orillia and then back to Orangeville. This could possibly delay response time.
5. The OPP proposal called for a “user pay system” which again could not be estimated financially.
6. Because the OPP is a Provincial force they would be required to respond to all “out of Orangeville” calls thus potentially reducing the service levels in Town.
7. With so many cost and service unknowns council acted in the best interests of its’ citizens.
Nick Garisto
Town of Orangeville Councillor
The myths, rhetoric and misinformation surrounding this process just keep swirling. In my humble opinion your version of the truth is well, not quite factual.
1. Employees both uniform and civilian would have the option to apply to the OPP for positions that are available. If an employee was not taken on or chose not to apply, then they would be able to negotiate a severance dependant of course on the contract they had with Orangeville at the time.
The OPP does not automatically take on all employees. Like most careers the applicant must meet certain requirements. For example if a former employee was on long term disability, wsib, under criminal investigation, suspended etc then they may not meet those requirements. If the tables were turned would the Town of Orangeville blindly hire unqualified applicants without doing their due diligence? I think not.
2. If these questions were not answered then perhaps the right questions were not asked of the OPP. It would’ve been the responsibility of council to ensure they sought ALL relevant information, clarifications when the presentation was made and not raising it as an issue after the barn door was shut.
3. Yes, and the point would be? The OPP have certain standards for their infrastructure. Obviously a take over would result in upgrades to the existing infrastructure. Phone lines, Computer lines, officer/employee safety modifications. Again please see response for question #2. Questions should’ve been asked then about the particulars of the upgrades and the reasons why.
4. Seriously? It’s a phone call for goodness sake to a dispatch centre. Its instantaneous, it doesn’t take longer because its routed to Orillia. They aren’t using Carrier Pigeons. This would have ZERO impact on service. Another ridiculous myth that follows these costing proposals.
5. Again, refer to my answer in question #2.
6. The OPP must meet its contractual obligations, plain and simple. If in fact there is a “major event” that causes a mass mobilization of members, the contractual obligations are still met via overtime, the cancellation of leaves or bringing in additional members from neighboring detachments…at no additional costs to the municipality. Sorry but in 35 years I can’t recall this ever happening to this extent. In the case of an event happening just outside of Orangeville where backup was required by members patrolling the rural areas, then yes momentary backup would be provided in an emergency. Just as Orangeville PS does now for the OPP and as the OPP does when Orangeville PS asks for backup. Bottom line…No difference Nick.
7. Again if due diligence was properly carried out with clarification sought and questions asked {at the time} then there shouldn’t be any “questions or concerns” brought up after the fact.
Don’t forget the Town of Orangeville asked for this costing from the OPP the OPP didn’t come knocking on Orangeville’s door looking for business. It was up to the the Town to set the parameters for the Costing Proposal, not the OPP. If there were questions or concerns then it was up to council to seek clarification so that they could make an informed comparison and subsequent decision. If that wasn’t done that’s councils fault, not the OPP and it would’ve been a disservice to the process.