
The Globe challenges competitors to join in feeding the area’s needy

November 26, 2015   ·   0 Comments

By Tabitha Wells

The Globe Restaurant in Rosemont is challenging other fine dining establishments in the area to bring some Christmas hope to those in need by participating in a new event called ‘Endless Tables’.

The idea is to provide meals, or a Christmas dinner, for those who cannot afford fine dining, and to help them remember that they are not disappearing amidst the hustle and bustle of the season.

“It started out as a vision to go to downtown Toronto, in the Yonge Street area, and do a pop-up fine-dining experience for the homeless,” explained Joe James, a former Orangeville Police Officer who often works as a bartender for The Globe. “We would ask other businesses to donate, and create an endless table for the homeless.”

The problem with that idea however, is that there is a lot of red tape when it comes to bringing food in large amounts to people. There are specific laws and regulations when it comes to giving out food, and it becomes difficult with health inspections because of the situation.

So Mr. James and the staff at The Globe began brainstorming how they could bring such an idea locally.

“The reality is, once we realized we couldn’t do the pop-up, we decided it would be a great idea to incorporate it into a local concept and challenge other restaurants to build on it,” he explained. “While it wouldn’t be a literal ‘endless table’, it would still serve the same purpose, as each restaurant builds on it.”

Whether they host a set meal or open their doors for those without to come in and grab a meal, it would work with the concept.

“The idea is something that can really work,” said Mr. James. “When you look at large resorts, like the Nottawasaga Inn, or big ones in Toronto, they have so much food waste. If a restaurant like the Globe can find a way to do this, other bigger restaurants definitely can.”
The Globe will be hosting their fine dining experience for those in need on Thursday, December 3 at 6:30 p.m.

“We’ve had a lot of great responses from the community and local organizations so far,” said Mr. James. “We put the word out to organizations who have a finger on who is in need locally, and we’re working with them to get as many people out as we can.”

The restaurant hopes to be able to feed between 50-70 people at the dinner, and already have approximately 30 people confirmed through programs at Good Friends Fellowship Church in Orangeville.

First Student volunteered to donate both a bus and a driver to help bring people to the dinner, so there will also be rides avail- able. Currently, one pick-up location will be in front of the Orangeville Legion hall on John Street at 5:15 p.m. The second location
is still to be determined.

“The Globe is setting up enough tables to feed up to 70 people, and we will be having a big dinner of turkey, ham, dressing, and all the fixings,” said Mr. James.

The reason the dinner is set up as for those in need, not just for the homeless, is because there are a lot of people locally that may have a roof over their heads, but have such a marginal income that they’ve never experienced fine dining, or cannot afford their own Christmas dinner.

“It’s about providing them with a new experience,” said Mr. James. “We are providing them with a different type of experience than the one they have at the Food Bank, and we are really big on the challenge to other restaurants to do the same.”

He added that both the homeless and marginalized tend to be fairly invisible in the area; people know they exist, but they don’t see them as often.

“From my work with the police, we would run into situations where many are part of transient groups that squat in apartments or townhomes until they are evicted,” he said. “This is as much about helping them as it is about shedding light on the issue that there are a lot more homeless in the area than people realize. This isn’t just a problem for cities; it’s one in small towns as well. Even Orangeville.”

Anyone interested in attending Endless Tables is asked to contact 705-435-6981 to notify them of your attendance. Those requiring transportation are asked to contact Joe at 519-938-7763 to make arrangements.

“Together, we can create an Endless Table where everyone has a seat.”

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