December 16, 2015 · 0 Comments
What is really stupid is people who install snow tires and believe they can drive faster because they now think they’re invincible.
The officer should think twice before saying the public is stupid. As a former truck owner who has probably driven two million miles, with no accidents, I have observed many stu- pid acts by police officers.
People get killed by speed, not tires. A two truck driver once said of big SUV’s with lug tires, they’re only advantage is to go further into the ditch, cause more damage, and are harder to retrieve, and cost more to repair.
I do not have snow tires on my car and I resent being called stupid by an officer who has probably not driven half as far as I have.
Jim Campbell
(Editor’s note: The OPP story was not an inter- view with Constable Nancekville, but a story sub-mitted by the OPP)