
Small Business Centres Ontario Launches Covid-19 Economic Recovery Network Website

March 11, 2021   ·   0 Comments

The Orangeville & Area Small Business Enterprise Centre is part of a larger network of 54 Small Business Centres (SBC) across the province. SBCs offer a range of free business support services to entrepreneurs who are starting or growing their ventures. Through the support of the Ontario Government, SBC Ontario recently launched a new website to increase access and awareness of the Centres’ services in their role as the Ontario COVID-19 Economic Recovery Network.

The SBC Ontario website serves as a central portal connecting the 54 regional Centres and creating an online delivery model that eliminates geographic barriers to services. This move has increased collaboration and resource sharing among the SBC offices, creating the opportunity for the new centralized body — SBC Ontario.

Small businesses are crucial to the success of Ontario’s economy and many are struggling due to the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Through the COVID-19 Recovery Network initiative, small business owners can access valuable support, including virtual business advisory services, improved access to funding, important information, special programs, training, and mentorship. To date, thousands of businesses have been served and continue to be served.

As a member of the Covid 19 Economic Recovery Network, the Orangeville & Area SBEC is able to provide enhanced business services through its local Virtual Business Advisor program. The program matches local business owners with professional advisors who will provide topic-specific, confidential guidance, at no cost to the business owner.

“Small business is critical to our economic well-being” said Ruth Phillips, Manager of Economic Development and Culture for the Town of Orangeville.  “The Orangeville & Area SBEC is fortunate to be part of a province-wide business ecosystem and we are pleased to offer the enhanced, specialized advice and guidance to our local businesses.”

For more information about the services available through the Orangeville & Area Small Business Enterprise Centre visit and to explore resources available through the Small Business Centre Ontario network, visit

Ellen Sinclair is the Co-ordinator of the Orangeville & Area Small Business Enterprise Centre. She can be reached at or 519-941-0440 Ext. 2270. To sign up for notifications of SBEC programs and events visit

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