
‘Sing Joy’ theme of two choirs’ Christmas concert

November 24, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Tom Claridge

The Orangeville-based Dufferin Concert Singers and Alliston’s New Tecumseth Singers will present their annual Christmas program, entitled ‘Sing Joy’ to usher in the Christmas season with a variety of short new works as well as some traditional favourites.

The mass choir, with about 70 singers and soloists, will present three venues for area residents’ convenience, with the first taking place at Knox Presbyterian Church, Alliston on Saturday (November 25) at 7:30 p.m. and the second performance at the Orangeville Christian Reformed Church on Blind Line on Sunday, November 26 at 3:30 p.m.

A third performance will take place at St. John’s United Church in Creemore on Sunday, December 10 at 3:30 p.m.

In addition to the Chorus, and in keeping with director John Werver’s objective of encouraging local talent, the Orangeville event will feature local soloists Melyssa Kerr, soprano, flautist Kim Stevenson, clarinetist Sean Derraugh and the Dufferin Brass. As always, the local chorus makes every effort to encourage  and provide a platform for young people. This year, the Orangeville venue will feature the newly formed Children’s Chorus that started this Fall, and hopes to encourage the love of reading music, the joy of singing and the friendship through song.

Tickets for the Orangeville event are limited and are available from choir members or Booklore, 121 First St. Orangeville, 519-942-3830 or contact John Lemke at 519-216-2830. The singers and guests all look forward to seeing you at one of the events.

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