July 9, 2014 · 0 Comments
With the election past and a liberal majority government elected, phrases such as ‘unexplainable’ and ‘worst birthday present that the Conservatives could have give me’ are being tossed around in the media. While I am not seeking to explain it, I would say that the election of this government is wrong for 3 reasons. It is wrong politically, wrong ethically and wrong morally.
It is wrong politically because this government, with a trail of broken promises and taxes that they said would not happen, should not have even been voted in let alone be given a majority government. With a majority they pretty well have a free reign to do as they please for four years with the opposition being able to do little to keep them in check.
It is wrong ethically because along with other issues a party that would spend billions of dollars to make sure that they received votes in a certain area are not to be trusted. This should be viewed as criminal and clearly shows that they were more concerned with their part’s interests and riding seats, than the needs and interests of the overall taxpayer.
It is wrong morally because contrary to what some would have everyone believe, there are still those of us that are offended and have beliefs contrary to the lifestyle that our new premier not only lives but clearly endorses under the guise of acceptance, tolerance and diversity. Her inclusion of her beliefs while campaigning in the schools and her disgusting behavior in the gay pride parade shows that she clearly has no interest or concern for the feelings of those that may view her lifestyle as wrong.
This alternate lifestyle along with all the other things like transgender etc are not only being touted as acceptable but they are being pushed into our schools and are being fed to our children. We who believe contrary seem to have lost our right to have our children and grandchildren taught what we still believe and hold to be acceptable.
Even on Canada Day when we should have just been focusing on how great a country that we have, our Premier made it her mission to push the acceptance and tolerance and diversity issue regarding her lifestyle and the progress that they have made.
While this letter probably grates many who lean to this way of life may still view these lifestyles as immoral and totally wrong.
While this election is past there are I believe may possible reasons for the results. Voter apathy, a misguided conservative campaign and a lack of people who need to stand up for what they believe to name a few.
If we soon do not start to voice our concerns, then elections, leadership and morals such as these will continue to decline and be thrust upon us. When we finally do stop and look around we will find ourselves living in a very different world.
We all have a voice and if we do not use it to stand up for what we believe then all we can say is “Shame On Us!”
D. Boyce
Mono, ON
Ontario Election
You said in your editorial (“Some ideas on gridlock-solving,” 3 July) that, to reduce the deficit, “the best that the [Ontario] government can hope for is to hold the line on public servants’ incomes, likely by a combination of a hiring freeze (allowing normal attrition to reduce the number on payrolls) and wage hikes limited to inflation.”
That was exactly what Tim Hudak proposed to do, but the Opposition ranted that he was going to “fire” civil servants and destroy the unions.
The unions then bought advertisements to discourage voting for PC candidates, greatly outspending the political parties which are limited by law.
I guess elections are no longer won on policy, but rather on how loudly party supporters can shout. Shades of the Family Compact days.
The average citizen can no longer afford this government. We are beggaring ourselves, trying to save money on electricity, transportation and heating while government-appointed executives charge toothpaste and candy to the taxpayer, and scrimping on home maintenance while ministers’ relatives splurge on wine and vacations. What will Ms Wynne do when there are no more taxes to collect?
Charles Hooker
East Garafraxa