January 14, 2015 · 0 Comments
The Town of Orangeville pays tribute each year to a senior and a youth who have enriched the social, cultural, or civic life of the community. Presentations of the Municipal Senior of the Year and Municipal Youth of the Year awards took place at Monday’s meeting of Orangeville Council.
Marcel Babineau received the 2014 Municipal Senior of the Year Award. Mr. Babineau has been an active volunteer with several organizations in our community since first moving to Orangeville more than 40 years ago and he continues to volunteer today. He has helped many organizations and has raised funds for many sports teams.
While doing volunteer maintenance work at Forest Lawn Cemetery, he started Project Angel. The project was his way of giving back to the community for the support and comfort he had received from others. The project was recently completed — raising funds for the “Angel” statue.
His new project is refurbishing the plaques, monuments and grounds of the cemetery in remembrance of the fallen soldiers from the two World Wars, Korean War and Afghanistan War.
Nicole Desaulniers is the recipient of the 2014 Municipal Youth of the Year. Described as an outstanding student and a caring and compassionate person, she proudly states that volunteering is her hobby.
She is a Junior Leader with the 1st Orangeville Girl Guides and is considered a positive role model and inspiration to the girls she works with by both the leaders and parents.
With over 620 hours volunteering, and probably more since the nomination was received, the Orangeville Maple Syrup Festival, Orangeville Fall Fair, Orangeville Blues and Jazz Festival, the Orangeville Food Bank and the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life are just a few of the organizations she has volunteered with in recent years. In September of 2014, she was crowned the Junior Fall Fair Ambassador.
Ms. Desaulniers is an honour roll student at Orangeville District Secondary School and has won several academic awards. Hoping to become a teacher in future, she says “volunteering has opened my eyes to look at the work from a new and different perspective, putting others first.”
“On behalf of Orangeville Council, I congratulate Marcel and Nicole on being exemplary citizens,” said Mayor Jeremy Williams. “For all they have done over the years, we are presenting these awards as a way to recognize their many contributions to our Town.”
The Municipal Senior and Youth Awards began in 1996. Each recipient receives an individual plaque to keep and has a nameplate on the plaques displayed in Council Chambers at Town Hall.