
Say no to this travesty

September 14, 2018   ·   0 Comments

As a senior Citizen of Canada and Ontario  I ask you to do the right  thing and stand up for the Rule of Law,

You must stop Mr. Ford from pushing through the Law to reduce Toronto’s council.We all know the legislature has the right to reduce the Council but not in the middle of an election.

The actions of your Government are not well founded. Your party did not run on a mandate to reduce any municipal council. Your party did not have a majority of Citizens vote for it. Seventy percent did not vote for you. This also has ramifications for the tone and future enactment of policy and laws in Ontario.

Future actions of the Government are in danger of losing relevance. Let this municipal election proceed, then make the changes, giving the people of Toronto a stake in the process of reducing their council.

In every person’s life there is a time when you must take a stand for what is right.

Now is your time. Say no to this travesty!

Winston Uytenbogaart

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