
Saturday’s event in Caledon Village was a big success

December 9, 2015   ·   0 Comments

On the behalf of the Caledon Village Association executive, I would like to sincerely thank all those who volunteered their time to make Saturday night’s event the very best the CVA has ever hosted.

There are too many volunteers to list all of you individually, but we want you to know each of your contributions, whether it was preparing or serving food, selling raffle tickets, running across Highway 10 for coffee, or Charleston for soup, changing light bulbs on trees, setting up raffle tables, assisting with the silent auction, helping call out raffle numbers, emptying garbage, etc. made the night a big success.

The Caledon Lions Club, Optimist Club of Caledon, local dignitaries, OPP officers, volunteer firefighters, staff at the Town of Caledon, staff at the Region of Peel and our ever faithful electricians Hogg and Neville juggled their schedules and worked a little magic, and pulled a few strings to ensure we had a beautiful parade and tree lighting. I can assure you the up-front and behind-the-scenes effort put into Saturday night’s event was appreciated by everyone. A big thank-you to everyone.

In addition, numerous businesses in Caledon village and Ward 1 made generous donations to the event, so that the food and beverages, as well as the Children’s raffle and entertainment could all be provided at no cost to our residents. I have attached a poster that stood in the foyer of Knox Church displaying all the names of our generous donors. We sincerely appreciate your generosity. Individual thank-you notes will be going out in the New Year.

Lastly, thank you to Knox Church for allowing us to hold such a memorable event in your facilities.

The CVA executive, Colin and Judy Lewis, Fay McCrea, Yves Delisle and Barney Beckett wish you all a very safe and happy holiday season and all the best for 2016.

Heather Wilkinson, Chair,
Caledon Village Association

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