February 8, 2024 · 0 Comments
The opportunity for the public to show their support for a not-for-profit or charitable organization in the community is back!
The Rotary Club of Orangeville Highlands is preparing for its fourth annual Community Choice Grants program, with even more money to be distributed than in 2023.
Last year, five $2,000 grants were distributed, but this year that amount is increasing to $3,000.
The public is encouraged to vote for their favourite nonprofit organization in the community by emailing grants@rcoh.ca or leaving a comment or direct message on Rotary Orangeville Highlands’ social media pages, stating Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day.
“This is a great opportunity for residents to show their love for a charity that has touched their lives,” said Len Meyer, chair of the Rotary Grants Committee. “We’re especially hoping to help nonprofits where $3,000 will make a real difference. The major criterium is that the organization needs to serve Orangeville residents in some meaningful way.”
Recipients of the grants in the past include the Achill Choral Society, Branching Out Support Services, The Josh Project, Diabetes Canada D-Camps and the Dufferin County Multicultural Foundation. Close to 30 local organizations were nominated last year and 3,165 residents voted to make the final selection.
In order to help as many groups as possible, the winners from last year’s program will be exempt from receiving a grant this year.
“The launch of the grants program coincides with Nonprofit Appreciation Week. Nominating a local charity is a great way to recognize their impact in our community,” said Meyer.
Here are the key dates to watch out for concerning the Community Choice Grants: