
Recipients of five Rotary Community Choice Grants announced 

April 13, 2023   ·   0 Comments


The Orangeville community chose five charities and non-profit organizations to get money from the Rotary Club of Orangeville Highlands.

The Rotary Community Choice Grant recipients were nominated and voted on by members of the community to each receive $2,000.

The top three were selected by community members who voted online for their favourite non-profits between Mar. 17-24. The final two were chosen by the Rotary Grants Committee, with a view of supporting non-profits serving Orangeville that have a meaningful impact but do not have the following of larger charities.

Recipients of the 2023 grants are Celebrate Your Awesome; the Headwaters Health Care Foundation; Dufferin Parent Support Network; Dufferin Arts Council; and the Orangeville and Dufferin Area Horticultural Society.

The annual Celebrate Your Awesome event celebrates the importance of diversity and inclusion in the community with family-friendly entertainment, live music, street vendors, local artisans, food, and other spectator draws.

The hospital foundation will use the grant to purchase urgently-needed equipment for the Headwaters Health Care Centre to ensure residents have the best health care close to home.

The countywide parent support network will use the grant to add daytime and pre-recorded options for parenting skills and strategies workshops, which are delivered by skilled facilitators at no cost to parents in Dufferin County.

The Rotary money will help the arts council provide 15 days’ worth of art instruction by professional artists to about 1,000 students who attend school in Dufferin County. The program will be re-starting for the first time since the pandemic.

The horticultural society will put its money toward a new outreach program in partnership with Branching Out Support Services, which helps neurodivergent people learn to grow food to increase food security.

“I think it’s fair to say that we’re all very excited to support these five worthy organizations,” said Len Meyer, chairperson of the Rotary Grants Committee.

“We’re so grateful to all the charities that participated in another successful year of community choice grants and to the people of Orangeville who helped us select the recipients.”

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