January 18, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Todd Taylor
I really enjoy exploring the issues of Orangeville and Dufferin County. It is great fun for me to research a topic and then offer my opinion on a meaty topic. For me, the problem is that there are so many items to discuss! With that in mind, for this submission I thought I would offer a potpourri of thoughts on a variety of issues.
My column last week created much conversation. I spoke to many who felt that I handled the information in a sensitive manner. I also had a few folks tell me that they thought what I wrote was a bit edgy and inappropriate. To me, this is exactly what a satisfying exchange of ideas should be! Discourse creates conversation, ideas, and solutions. I recently watched an interview with the very wonderful past President of the United States Barack Obama. Obama shared that “people are entitled to their own opinion; you are just not entitled to your own facts.” For the record, I firmly stand by my last column and I thank all of those who offered their opinions on it.
The Orangeville Police Services Board unequivocally made the right decision recently when they named their chair of the board. Current Chair and local resident Ken Krakar was re-elected. I have been impressed with Mr. Krakar’s professionalism, ambition, and dedication to the role. Krakar has offered a stable, yet driven agenda that the OPS can truly rally behind.
The Orangeville Curling club’s 2018 Pondspiel will once again be held on February 3rd of this year. Unfortunately, the event is entirely sold out. Many of us are usually fighting a dire case of cabin fever in February. I recommend you come out to Island Lake Conservation area to watch the festivities. If you have never seen the event, people are actually curling in the middle of Island Lake! The day is fun to watch and a joy to participate in.
Have you been paying attention to the new proposed Greenbelt legislation? Our very wonderful Member of Provincial Parliament Sylvia Jones has been advocating on behalf of the area and working to educate the public on what this could mean. Ontario is expected to continue to grow its population at an aggressive pace into the foreseeable future. This growth means that our water supply will be of paramount importance in future years and the groundwater that is utilized from Dufferin County will need to be protected. I will be very interested to learn more about the province’s proposals and the impact this could have on the future of Orangeville. An open house is scheduled at Tony Rose arena on February 8th.
I was asked recently what I thought the number one issue will be in the upcoming municipal election. There is no doubt that taxes will be first and foremost on everyone’s minds. The very simple truth is that our taxes are too high and are becoming prohibitive when trying to attract young families to our area. In the 2014 election, there were promises of a zero percent tax increase. These promises very quickly proved to be futile. In 2018, none of us should believe the zero percent rhetoric. The very simple truth is that a zero percent budget cannot be achieved unless other budgeted programs are cut. Briefly, I will explain my assertion. Pretend you make $100/year in 2017. In 2018, you did not get a raise so your employer still pays you $100. The problem is that your utilities went up by $5. Since your employer gave you a zero percent increase you have no choice but to cut your grocery bill by $5 and keep your overall spending at zero. The lesson? If a politician promises zero percent with no funding cuts, do not believe them!
The Optimist Club of Orangeville did an amazing job again with the Christmas lights at Kay Cee Gardens. The town really appreciates the wondrous lights and tremendous displays shared for everyone to enjoy. The exit of one winter tradition brings the beginning of another. The Mono Nordic Cross Country Ski club is starting up its program again for 2018. The snow levels have been a bit troubling thus far, but if you are interested in skiing please visit the club. The trails are in tremendous shape and the sport offers great exercise for all. It is amazing what can be accomplished when a strong group of volunteers work in conjunction with a well-organized municipality.
2018 is an important year for our area. All of us should be paying attention and exchanging ideas with each other!