March 24, 2016 · 0 Comments
Just noticed your July 16, 2014 story —
Lowest speed limits = costliest insurance.
The following may be at least of curious
interest to you …
On Highway 410 north, well beyond Valleywood
and even further before 410 joins
with Highway 10 – somewhere on 410
before those points, apparently the speed
limit drops to 80 km/h.
This is on a four-lane, divided highway,
no less – certainly not something drivers
expect. The sign, I’m told, is on the far right
shoulder where drivers shouldn’t really be
looking anyway, and those that see it would
mostly assume it refers to an off-ramp speed.
Normally, police often sit at the switch
from divided Highway 410 to Highway 10,.
where the 80 km/h speed is clearly visible
and appropriate for that road. Makes sense;
it’s also where most people expect the speed
limit to change.
As someone who lives in Brampton, and
have for quite some time, and often travel
that way (north to Caledon), I have never
seen that sign … never. And without a doubt
very few other people do, either. At any time
of day, any day, all vehicles going through
that area are traveling at 90-120 km/h, so
no doubt most others are not aware of that
speed change. And there is no reason to
expect it, as there is no change in road capabilities.
It is indeed expected that the speed limit
would not have changed.
This weekend (March 19 and 20), OPP offi –
cers took up radar spotting locations at the
point well before the older Highway 10 road
and were having a fi eld day, of cash-grab
ticketing. The bigger issue here is because
of the unexpected and less-than-well-posted
speed limit reduction, many drivers are very
close to the 50 km/h ruling as it relates to
stunt driving legislation.
Remember, the speed limit drops to 80
km/h on a four-lane, divided highway. These
people are not stunt driving – they are not in
souped-up cars or young adults. The people
getting charged here are professionals, families,
overall good citizens in the community.
They are not drag racing or any of that nonsense.
The immediate costs for stunt driving
are signifi cant – $1000, $1500 just to get the
vehicle back. Remember these are families,
professionals otherwise and typically quite
law abiding citizens on Saturdays, Sunday
afternoons … families out doing their normal
While I agree with appropriate enforcement
of traffi c laws for safety, they should
be applied with more common sense. It is
very blatant to me that that section of 410,
with questionable speed posting changes, is
clearly being used in abuse of the stunt driving
legislation’s intent.
Yesterday, according to a tow truck driver,
a 76-year-old man was charged with stunt
driving. I mean, come on, seriously!?
Today, merging with a faster outside lane,
all moving at 120, to avoid a signifi cantly
slower vehicle, my speed went above the
130 mark and while coasting back down got
hit on radar at 135. Briefl y a little faster than
should be, but required to merge into other
As I said, all cars are traveling at speeds
normal for 100 km/h highways. Not sure
how many people they will catch at that
The tow truck driver’s conversation leads
me to believe it’s in double digits for sure.
But there is absolutely no doubt, in that
location, they stop every car – no one thinks
the speed limit has changed.
Statistically, that doesn’t make sense. The
real culprit is that unexpected speed limit
change. To me, and most people, this is a
clear abuse of the intent of stunt driving legislation.
The area of Highway 410 in question
seems to be in Caledon OPP jurisdiction,
so speed limit postings are likely Caledon
set as well? Are revenues from this also
going to Caledon?
There will be quite of few irritated
Bramptonites by this, for sure. I’m passing
along this information, as it may be something
noteworthy for your paper. Again,
to me and I’m sure anyone reasonable,
this is an abuse of the intent of law here. I
wonder, did the “trickery” catch any single
moms today/yesterday, struggling to feed
her kid(s), now having to face thousands
of dollars in costs, not counting potential
insurance cost for years.
Remember, everyone using that stretch
of road is expecting the speed limit to be
consistently 100 km/h. Seriously, most
people stay within speed limits, plus a
bit, with some excess moving past trucks,
etc. Very few people intentionally exceed
speed limits by 50 km/h-plus. That section
of 410 feels more like an intentional trap,
nobody expects the speed limit to have
I’m certainly not the only one affected
by this. I personally don’t believe driving
signifi cantly faster than other traffi c is a
good or safe idea. Not sure if the 50-over
penalty is just or not, but certainly some
number over should be a signifi cant penalty.
But the issue of this email is … on the
particular stretch of highway mentioned,
very few people are aware of the speed
limit drop, the posting is likely on the
far right of a divided highway. Nobody
expects it, the sign should at least be more
prominent, likely overhead – no one is
looking at the far right shoulder, they are
watching the road. And seriously, nobody
is driving 80 at that point.
Glynn Buckley