
Provincial female-owned business promotion showcases Orangeville company

March 11, 2021   ·   0 Comments

By Jessica Laurenza

In celebration of International Women’s Day, which took place on March 8, Sobeys Inc. and Nature Knows Inc. partnered up to create the Fab Female Local Box, showcasing 12 female-owned businesses in Ontario, including Orangeville’s Giddy Yo.

The box was created to generate awareness of the valuable role local women-owned businesses play in the community, our grocery stores, and our economies.

“There are so many wonderful women-owned businesses in Ontario that are making some truly remarkable, best-in-class products. We’re proud that we can create a platform where those products can get the exposure they deserve,” explains Sheri Evans, local development manager for Sobeys.

True to Sobey’s sustainability mission, the box itself is locally sourced and made with biodegradable elements. The box showcases 17 natural products and contains an overview of each product so you have all the details you need when you’re ready to restock your favourite items. Giddy Yo included a 72 per cent Raspberry Dark chocolate bar hand-made and wrapped in Mono.

President & Founder of Giddy Yo, Bridgitte Longshore, started her company in the summer of 2009 as an extension of her lifestyle because health and wellness is one of her passions.

She’s always been entrepreneurial spirited, constantly getting ideas for new food and body care products. “Marry this with a whole lot of energy and drive, no surprise Giddy Yo was born,” Longshore explains.

“When you’re passionate about something, nothing stops [you],” she says. “Helping people is so fulfilling.”

Longshore started the business at the Barrie Farmer’s Market, selling home-grown sprouts and superfoods like cacao powder and dried berries. She soon started offering her homemade raw dark chocolate and says, “people loved that there was a healthy alternative to chocolate that actually tasted good.”

“Sheri Evans from Sobeys Head Office and the Orangeville Sobeys have been wonderful supporters of local shops and we’re very thankful to have such a supportive community,” says Longshore.

You can purchase Giddy Yo products from local health food stores and at the Orangeville Sobeys or you can order their products online at Their storefront and head office is tucked away on Highway 9 and Second Line (behind the Highway 9 car dealerships).

Longshore told the Citizen she encourages people to shop local and support businesses “who are trying to make the world a better place.”

The Fab Female Box is available in participating Sobeys stores now through March 8 to uplift and celebrate local female entrepreneurs. You can also visit to learn more about this initiative and local female entrepreneurs.

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