
Protection needed from traffic increase

September 2, 2015   ·   0 Comments

I hate to sound like a broken record but when will the Mulmur Council learn that the internet service in Mulmur is terrible? Please communicate by other means for local folks, like through the local community boards?

On the website only, Mulmur Township Council is asking for input from the residents regarding the Dufferin County taking over of the 10th side road from Mansfield to Prince of Wales Rd. and transferring back to the municipality the Prince of Wales Rd. from Primrose to the 10th side road. While I appreciate the opportunity to comment I think it would be prudent if the Council would tell folks how they might be impacted by the change so we could make informed comments.

My first question of concern is will the

takeover then permit truck traffic on the 10th side road other than the current local truck traffic only? Does the County plan on fixing the corners and shoulders of the road that are too soft and regularly wash out and cannot withstand heavy truck traffic? How will the County support and maintain safe operation of agricultural implements and other farm equipment on the winding and dangerously hilly road? The 10th side road is the most direct route through Mulmur to Hwy 89, Hwy 24 and Hwy 10, and to the Base Borden Road, there will be a great deal of increased traffic.

Mulmur Township must have an agreement with the County that protects the Mulmur residents from this huge increase in traffic.

The 10th side road was never designed for this type of traffic and perhaps Mulmur should go back to the reports when the County downloaded it in the first place?

Old Silver Pen
Jim Pendleton
Mulmur Township

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