May 27, 2015 · 0 Comments
Despite a relatively dry agenda for Monday evening’s Orangeville Council meeting, one topic hit the ‘hot’ spot for local residents, the issue of two proposed developments in town.
One of the two would see 106 townhouses built on the south side of Spencer Avenue at Riddell Road, and the other would see 93 townhouses and 23 freehold townhomes erected off Hansen Boulevard and Parkinson Crescent.
A number of concerned citizens from both areas showed up for the meeting to speak about issues they felt would cause safety concerns, as well as affect the quality of living for both current and future residents.
The first application, by Sarah Properties Limited to amend the current zoning bylaw so that they could erect the townhouses and freehold townhomes, saw the highest number of residents, most of them new to the area, speak out.
All members of the public who showed up to speak were in opposition of the development, at least, in opposition without some serious changes made to the proposal.
One of the biggest issues presented by residents was the lack of parking available for guests of the residents (six parking spots for 93 townhomes), which would mean a lot of vehicles parking on the street.
“Parking is definitely going to be an issue,” said Marianna Galati, one of the concerned residents. “The average household has two cars, and it’s pretty obvious that a lot of people in this town like their big pick-up trucks. With only six parking spots, where do you think the guests are going to park?”
Soon-to-be resident Mark Middleton was concerned not just about the effect this new development would have on the value of his recently purchased home, but also on the quietness of the area, which was part of why he purchased where he did.
“I don’t see the value of having a townhouse in Orangeville,” said Mr. Middleton. “Coming from Mississauga, I’ve lived in townhouses and you are always fighting for parking. In the city, they’ve crammed in all these townhouses with no parking, and hiked the taxes. I don’t see the value of moving to Orangeville if you are going to do the same.”
He added that he was a little upset after finding out about this development recently, after buying the home in December to move in June.
“I could just sell this house in a year and move to Grand Valley,” he said. “I’ve come from the city, I don’t want to be back in the city. I thought Orangeville was that little piece of quiet that I’m moving to. I’ve just spent half a million on this home, I’m spending $5000 a year to move here, and I don’t want this. Orangeville should be proud of the quality of life they have, and council should really reconsider this proposal.”
Mr. Middleton’s speech was met with applause from the other residents there to speak out.
Another new resident wondered why the developer couldn’t consider building more detached homes rather than increasing congestion by putting in the 93 townhouses.
Other issues included snow removal, which has already proven to be difficult for the existing streets in the subdivision, as well as how snow and garbage renewal would differ for the 23 proposed freehold townhouses on the private road.
The second proposal, which would be Block 4 of the Riddell development, had already been approved for development by the OMB, and the townhouses would fall within the boundaries of that approved development.
Although the current zoning would permit 109 units, the application brought to Town Council would see only 106 units built.
While there was no discussion from members of the public on this development, council did receive letters speaking out against it and the safety issues it would present.
Although no decisions were made by council regarding the applications, Council passed a motion to accept the reports and information received on each and to have staff bring back a report.