October 21, 2015 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
Is there paranormal activity in the Town Hall? According to the group, some of the results of last month’s investigation would indicate the answer is ‘yes.’
Aided by members of the Wellington County Paranormal Investigators group, the team performed an extensive investigation using a variety of methods including the use of elec- tronic devices and were accompanied by a psychic medium who tuned into the energy in the building.
“Not every owner or manager of a Town Hall that still stands has been enthusiastic about the proposals for paranormal investigations,” said Searcher Group assistant director Peter Roe, who led this investigation. “But those who have been receptive have been incredibly supportive and certainly curious to know what, if anything, we’ll find. We’ve investigated a few places where no form of unexplainable activity had been documented, only to come away with reams of evidence pointing to the contrary.
“As for the Orangeville town Hall, I have been aware since 2009 of its alleged reputa- tion since another group conducted an investigation.”
Mr. Roe was intrigued enough to ask the Town if the Searcher Group would be permitted to conduct and investigation. The main challenge was finding a mutually convenient date when both the Town Hall and the Opera House would not be in use.
“The fewer the number of people present, the more credible visual and audio anomalies become as we must take into account accidental contamination by the living when we analyze hours of data.”
Mr. Roe is currently working on a book that will document the group’s examinations of town halls throughout Southwestern Ontario. September’s investigation, he said, “did indeed amass a rather large number of recordings of disembodied voices.” This included a pair of ‘hits’ that were documented during the initial tour phase of the investigation in which mem- bers of the media were present.
“Most of it is still under peer review and final findings will appear in the finished book,” Mr. Roe explained. “However, I think it’s safe to say there were at least two males and one female that occupied the house of the theatre near the control booth and surrounded investigator Tony Harris of WCPI. They responded to his questions with a degree of indifference, but from the comments captured between them, we may be able to begin to verify who they were while still inhabiting physical bodies.”
“The female admitted to being an actress, so that helps narrow the research.”
The investigation concluded that there were two male spirits present inside the Council Chambers as well. However, Mr. Roe pointed out that spirits aren’t limited to one area so perhaps the same entities were present in the Opera House.
Among the recordings, actual names of people were mentioned included first and last names. Out of sensitivity for family members, those names will not be shared.
The team has requested permission to do a follow-up investigation, applying the knowledge gained from the first attempt to communicate further. They have no idea how they’ll be received by their unseen hosts a second time.
“Either way, our adventures will be shared in the book,” Mr. Roe promised. “And I doubt Orangeville readers will be disappointed.”