
Orangeville Soccer receives grant

October 19, 2016   ·   0 Comments

Coaches benefit with development program

The Orangeville Minor Soccer Club received a grant from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport to further the development of coaches at the grassroots level in the Headwaters region.

The Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund (OSRCF) are supporting 129 projects across the province in 2016–17, with the Soccer for Life in the Headwaters as the only recipient in Dufferin County.

OMSC has partnered with the Hillsburgh, Erin and District Soccer Club (H.E.A.D.S.) and Choices Youth Shelter on the project, over a two year period, to grow the capacity of trained soccer coaches locally.

Coaches will receive mentoring at weekly training sessions during the outdoor season as part of the project. Over the winter, OMSC will be introducing a new format to it’s popular Under 6 indoor program on Sunday mornings at the Athlete’s Institute facility on Highway 9.

Coach mentors will lead the sessions, starting with 3 vs 3 games and ending with development activities that new coaches will help to execute, receiving guidance and instruction from the mentors along the way, much to the benefit of the coaches and participants.

New this year as well- OMSC will be holding weekly training sessions for under 8 players, with the session for boys born in 2009 and 2010 on Monday evenings from 6-7pm and girls born in 2009 and 2010 on Thursday evenings from 6-7pm.

These sessions will be focused on improving footwork and ball control, and once again, coaches will receive mentoring weekly as they help guide the player development while also growing their own skills. OMSC is currently looking for coaches interested in participating in these sessions, beginning in November.

As part of the $35,000 in financial support provided by the grant, the project will also see the two soccer clubs host a series of ‘free’ day long soccer clinics  led by the Ontario Soccer Association as part of the Long Term Player Development curriculum.                                                                            

Coaches are invited to sign up for the courses, to be held in the spring of 2017 in Erin and Orangeville, to boost their coaching certifications.

The courses will address all the various age ranges of players, from U6 to U18, at the grassroots levels.

OMSC is currently encouraging all soccer coach volunteers in the community that are interested in learning more to reach out to the office at to find out how they can become involved in the upcoming clinics and mentoring sessions.

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