
Orangeville senior ‘paints to inspire’ during trying times

May 8, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The painting depicts a child looking toward the sun with his back to the viewer, a teddy bear in his arms.

A rainbow reaches across the horizon.

For Orangeville resident Joan Gropp, the painting reveals how she feels about the current situation of people being quarantined and the fact the children are not able to enjoy many activities out of doors.

Along with the painting is the caption: “Always, sunshine and hope ahead. Always, light on the other side of the rainbow. Always, love and hugs from a teddy bear. Always…”

Ms. Gropp has been in self quarantine at her Orangeville apartment and has turned to painting as a way to pass the time until she can go out again.

“I sometimes like to paint just the way I feel,” Ms. Gropp explained of the creative influence she puts into her work.

She used to paint, then gave it up when she was busy raising a family. She picked up where she left off when she had the time to enjoy her hobby.

When asked why she painted a child with a teddy bear, she said ‘because the children are also being traumatized by this. They don’t understand why they can’t go to the park. They can’t have their friends in to play. I’ve been in this apartment a month or more. I do go downstairs to get the mail. My daughter made a print of this and put it in each mail room. I said, I don’t care if they think it’s a good painting or not – I hope it’s an inspiration. Things will get better.”

Ms. Gropp’s daughter posted a copy of the painting online and immediately received a good response from many people who appreciated the message of hope that is on the canvas.

A true artist, Ms. Gropp paints what she feels. She doesn’t expect everyone to like her work, but she hopes everyone will get a message from the young boy, his teddy bear, and the rainbow of hope.

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