
Orangeville Minor Soccer hosts final tournament

August 24, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

It was two full days of soccer for local players as Orangeville Minor Soccer ended another season with tournament games on local soccer pitches on Saturday, August 18, and Sunday, August 19.

It also marks the Club’s 50th anniversary season.

“All of our divisions are playing in this tournament and we have ages four to 18,” said Club president BJ Walker. “That’s 12 divisions. We’ve got the bouncy castle and a dunk tank as well. There’s seven fields playing up top (at Princess Elizabeth Public School) and five fields here (at Orangeville District Secondary School). We started at 8:30 this morning (Saturday) and it runs until around 5:00 o’clock and 8:30 to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Orangeville Minor Soccer is huge as far as sports clubs go.

The Club has around 60 house league teams representing all ages and even more teams that play on rep teams.

Around 900 kids play on house league teams and over 200 that are on rep teams.

For the season end event the teams played a round robin style tournament with championship type games taking place on Sunday.

The season got underway in May with games played weekly through the summer.

As far as outdoor sports were concerned, this has been a great summer weather wise.

“We’ve got a lot of student volunteers here today to help out with the bouncy castle and the barbecue,” Walker explained. “We have one of our rep teams doing the barbecue.”

The soccer pitches were full of games and a lot of support on the sidelines as friends and family came out to cheer on the teams.

Games took place on the main field at Orangeville District Secondary school and up on the hill at Princess Elizabeth Public School.

For the younger players, the field is set up as a smaller playing field to make the games more competitive and more appropriate for the younger player’s size.

Games were played all day with a lot of enthusiasm and some good weather for a tournament.

While house league soccer is wrapping up, the rep teams of Orangeville Soccer will still be playing into September.

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