
Orangeville food bank seeking Council’s help

December 1, 2016   ·   0 Comments

Photo By Marni Walsh Orangeville Food Bank’s executive director Heather Hayes was at Town Council on Monday seeking municipal support.

Photo By Marni Walsh
Orangeville Food Bank’s executive director Heather Hayes was at Town Council on Monday seeking municipal support.

Since 2008, food bank use in Ontario has risen by 6.9 % and this year there will be many in our area, including young children, who will be hungry for the holidays.

This week, Heather Hayes, executive director of the Orangeville Food Bank (OFB), sought support for the organization from Orangeville Council. She reported that OFB is now feeding an average of 450 people per month, a dramatic increase over 2015 when the average was 366. Currently, the Orangeville Food Bank is 100% funded by donations.

Ms. Hayes says 41% of those served at the Orangeville Food Bank are children; a shocking number, which surpasses the provincial average by 8%.

“The Orangeville Food Bank has been supporting the community since 1991,” she said, “when a small group of individuals got together to meet a need they saw in their town, some of whom are with us today.

“From those humble beginnings on Mill Street, the Orangeville Food Bank has grown with the needs of the community. In the last six years we have seen an increase of 57% in people needing food assistance. We served a total of 4,500 people last year.”

She added that a generous $3,000 donation this year from the Orangeville Lions Club to support purchasing turkeys and hams for the month of December will go a long way to help families in need. “In past years others have come forward to support this tradition; we are very thankful to the organization for their continued support.”

In fact, Ms. Hayes says the community has been very generous with donations and dedicated volunteers that pick up and sort food, assist clients and help in many other ways.

Continued generosity is especially important now; the Food Bank Director and volunteers are hoping for cash donations to support a focus on fresh food and overhead costs. Cash donations can be made online through Canada Helps or on the Canada Helps link on the Orangeville Food Banks website:                   

Crucial food donations required include: canned pasta, pasta sauce, dry pasta, fruit in water, lunch snacks, soups and hygiene items. For those who are able to donate their time, there are opportunities for the community to come out and help sort food December 12th and January 17th. Call for information at 519-942-0638 or Email:

“The need is always more keenly felt during the holiday season,” Ms. Hayes said. “We are always in awe of the generous spirit of community in Orangeville helping their fellow friends, family and neighbours during difficult times.”

Anyone needing food assistance from the Orangeville Food Bank is welcome during open hours. Hours of operation: Tuesday from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm; Wednesday from 6:00pm to 8:00 pm; and Thursday from 12:00pm to 4:00 pm. ID is required for members of the household, as well as verification of income and expenses.

The Orangeville Food Bank is located at 25 Centennial Road in Orangeville, Unit #5. Call for information at 519-942-0638 or Email:

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