August 26, 2021 · 0 Comments
The Town of Orangeville will consider restricting parking on local residential streets to one side only. The Town is currently seeking public input on the proposal that will come to Orangeville Council for consideration in October. To participate in the public survey, visit
This parking restriction concept follows residents expressing safety concerns with the congestion that comes from vehicles parking on both sides of streets. After receiving a complaint from a resident of Burbank Crescent, Council voted to look at implementing change on a Town-wide basis. Staff was directed to look where parking is permitted on both sides of the street and report back to Council with alternative parking solutions.
Many streets currently permit parking on both sides. Parking restrictions are generally established at the time of subdivision review/design and construction. Until about 1997, parking was permitted on both sides of local roads in new subdivisions. In subdivisions constructed since 1997, parking has only been permitted on one side of local roads.
This approach applies only to local streets. Collector and arterial roads are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, based on the width of the travelled portion of the road, the anticipated volume of traffic and whether houses front onto the road. For example, the westernmost sections of Alder Street and Spencer Avenue allow parking on both sides. Both of these roads were constructed with a 9.0-metre width of asphalt as both are classified as minor collector roads. A typical local road is constructed with an 8.0-metre width of asphalt. The additional width of asphalt allows for parking on both sides of these roads without impeding two-way traffic, hence staff do not recommend changing the parking restrictions on collector roads with asphalt widths of at least 9.0 metres.
There are other locations in Town that would be considered exceptions, such as Mill Street between Broadway and Little York Street, which is narrow and permits parking on both sides of the road.
Restricting parking to one side of local roads would achieve the objective of facilitating two-way traffic at all times and providing improved access for larger vehicles, in particular emergency vehicles and winter maintenance equipment. Safety is a major concern and will be given careful consideration when deciding upon parking restrictions.
The proposal may suggest restricting parking on local roads to only one side where the asphalt width is 8.0 metres or less. Typically, in these situations parking would be restricted to one side of the road, usually the side where fire hydrants are not located. Implementing this new restriction would introduce parking consistency throughout the Town. Implementation would also require appropriate no parking signs to be erected.
Areas such as the Central Business District which are unique in nature and have specific parking requirements and policies would be considered separately and are not part of the current study.
Complete the online survey to provide your input or call 519-941-0440 ext. 2289.