October 1, 2014 · 0 Comments
By Angela Gismondi – Town Council has decided to refuse an application for a development on the southwest corner of Alder Street and C Line.
The official plan and zoning bylaw amendment application came before council for consideration at the meeting Monday.
The town’s Official Plan currently designates the property as “neighbourhood commercial.” Two special provisions apply to it – one prohibits residential uses, automotive service stations and drive-through facilities due to the proximity of industrial uses, and the has urban design guidelines applicable to any future commercial development.
The site is currently vacant and undeveloped and is abutted on the east by the Brown’s Farm residential neighbourhood, industrial manufacturing land use to the south, open space conservation to the west and neighbourhood commercial and residential development to the north.
The application proposed to redesignate and rezone the lands to neighbourhood mixed use to permit a condominium townhouse development containing approximately 52 residential dwelling units in addition to a commercial development.
A statutory public meeting was held in June to present a concept plan on the proposed development for public review and comment. At the meeting individuals spoke in opposition to the proposal, citing a number of concerns including the high density, the need to attract more industrial-commercial activity to alleviate the tax burden on residents and the proximity of the development to an industrial development.
Councillor Jeremy Williams asked that council consider deferring the item. He pointed out that the applicant had been unable to make it to the meeting and was not given enough time to review the town staff’s report. Shelley Wells of Plan Wells Associates came forward on behalf of the applicant requesting that the application be deferred to a later date. She added the applicant has not had a chance to respond to comments in the report.
“I’m asking for a deferral so we can have the opportunity to respond and work with staff and our neighbours to satisfy their concerns,” explained Ms. Wells.
Local resident Ray LeBlanc asked what impact the development would have on neighbouring residential property values.
“It’s not so much the residents but the density of it and what it will do to my property value,” he commented. He was told no assessment has been done on property values to date.
Grant Brewster urged council to support the staff recommendations to refuse the application. He said the plan has been in the works for two years and there has been plenty of time for the applicant to address concerns.
“There is no need to go back,” said Mr. Brewster. “We have a report from the town planner that cites five different reasons why this should be rejected … deferring and delaying is in nobody’s interest and causes uncertainty for residents and businesses. There is no need for this to be delayed any longer.”
With that, a motion was tabled to support the staff recommendations to refuse the application. In a recorded vote, four councillors and the Mayor voted in favour and Councillor Williams voted against. The motion carried.