
Orangeville adds roughly $85k to Parkland Reserve Fund In 2020

April 22, 2021   ·   0 Comments

By Sam Odrowski

The Town of Orangeville added a little over $85,000 to its Parkland Reserve Fund in 2020, bringing the total balance up to approximately $1.13 million.

A report approved during Council’s April 12 meeting showed the financial statements surrounding the fund and general manager of community services, Ray Osmond went through the types of projects it financially supports.

Osmond noted that the money can be used to fulfill the Town’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan or trail plans, to fund new playground developments or replace old ones, build new sports fields, and things of that nature. Traditionally, parkland reserves are used to create or expand parklands.

Some of the projects currently on the horizon that will utilize the Parkland Reserve Fund include the redevelopment and repurposing of certain sections of Rotary Park.

“Part of that initiative, we’re looking at a skate trail development, that would be something that would probably be applied to a certain degree to parkland reserve,” said Osmond.

The Town’s Cycling Trail Master Plan is another large initiative that will draw from the parkland reserves, involving the development of a trail corridor as land becomes available with the Orangeville rail line.

A motion to receive the report outlining the Parkland Reserve Fund was approved unanimously by Orangeville Council.

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