
OPS nominated for DBOT award

August 11, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Mike Pickford

For the second year in a row, the Orangeville Police Service (OPS) has been nominated for an award at the Dufferin Board of Trade 2017 Business Excellence Awards, to be presented this fall.

The OPS was nominated for the 2017 Association of the Year Award, which recognizes a non-profit association, charity or agency that has made an outstanding contribution to the social, cultural or economic well-being of Dufferin County; is consistently responsive to community needs; delivers outstanding service to its beneficiaries and communicates a well-articulated vision and mission in support of a strong and viable community. The association must have shown innovation and leadership, and achieved outstanding success in the not-for-profit sector.

The OPS has been serving the citizens of Orangeville with pride and distinction since the town’s incorporation as a village 1864. The current staff of over 70 members is their strength as they collectively follow the steps in their business plan to build on their vision, mission and values.

The OPS motto, “Community Focused,” is something the members strive for every day. Their actions and reactions have to show value for their citizens.

A strong local police visibility provides positive interaction with the community on a daily basis; whether that is in the schools, walking downtown, providing crime prevention tips to the business community, meeting with service clubs, donating at the food bank, and helping at charitable events.

“We are humbled to be among the list on nominees again this year,” said Chief Wayne Kalinski. “To be recognized for our efforts and successes within our community is something that our entire organization is proud of.”

The awards will be presented at the Dufferin Board of Trade 2017 Business Excellence Awards Gala on October 19, 2017 at the Mono Community Centre.

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