
ODSS parent council hosts 2nd teacher appreciation dinner

April 7, 2016   ·   0 Comments


After a long day of teaching and an evening full of parent teacher interviews ahead, there wasn’t much time to think about dinner on Thursday; but lucky for the teachers and staff at Orangeville District Secondary School, the parent council had it covered.

Parent council members and students served them dinner in the library after school. The meal included hot soups, healthy salads and few treats.

“By the time we finish up our daily activities and then have to go into parent teacher night, we always have to figure out how we’re going to get dinner,” said math teacher Kevin Downe.  “This is really appreciated because that problem is solved and we can get back to work.”

“It’s long hard day for us and just to know that the students and parents appreciate the extra effort we put in is great,” added math teacher Asher Kirk-elleker .  “This is a fantastic way for them to show us that.”

The idea for hosting dinner came from parent council member Barb Jay.  When she lived out west, her children’s high school hosted dinner every year for the teachers on parent teacher interview night.  When she and her family moved to Orangeville, they brought the idea with them.

“I really feel the teachers here are amazing and do a great job for all our kids and this is my way of showing our appreciation.”

The dinner was made possible thanks to donations from local businesses, parents and students.

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