
Nominations now open for Hospice Dufferin’s Palliative Care Award

August 20, 2021   ·   0 Comments

Nominations are now open, to recognize an outstanding healthcare professional who provides exemplary compassionate, person-centered care in palliative care in Dufferin County.

The Hospice Palliative Care Award was first presented in 2003, but was retired in 2014.

However, in 2019, Hospice Dufferin Board Directors decided to reinstate the excellence award.

“Because of Covid our healthcare professionals, especially those working in palliative care do so much to improve the lives of others. For this reason, their accomplishments need to be recognized.” Maureen Riedler Executive Director said

Nominees of the award can include: physicians, nurses, personal support workers from community, hospital, retirement and long term care facilities. Nominations can be submitted by anyone including patients, patient’s families, and peers.

There are two parts to the Nomination Package, which includes a nomination letter and a nomination form. The nomination letter should be no longer than two pages in length. It should clearly articulate why the nominee merits the award, and should be supported with real-life examples, or patient stories, quotes and/or testimonials.

“We look forward to learning the stories of those in our community who do the work that is so vital at end of life.” Riedler said. “These nominees demonstrate leadership, improve patients and families experiences and go above and beyond the expectations and responsibilities of their health professional, just to name a few criteria.”

The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2021, and more informaiton about the nomination criteria and award can be found on the website.

For more information please visit our website or contact Maureen Riedler at

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