February 16, 2017 · 0 Comments
By Tom Claridge
IN THE WAKE OF the report Orangeville Council now has on the possibility of having the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) police the town, the best advice we can offer is that there is no reason to act hastily on such an important issue.
Clearly, both conditions and morale within the Orangeville Police Service have greatly improved under the administration of Chief Wayne Kalinski and any final decision need not be taken until at least th next municipal election in 2018, at which point a well-informed electorate could be given an opportunity to show its preference.
It may well be that having the OPP police all of Dufferin would involve some cost savings, but it would mean at least some loss of local control and officers with a good knowledge of the community they are serving.
What might be working well in Wellington County and Collingwood won’t necessarily be suitable for Orangeville.