September 16, 2015 · 0 Comments
Local residents may have thought a reduced speed limit on Highway 9 between 1st and 2nd Line of Mono was because of the construction. According to Astrid Poei, Communications Coordinator for the Ministry of Transportation, the decision to change the speed limit was actually approved back in February, but not implemented until recently.
Ms. Poei explained that part of the reason the decision was made had to do with the varying speed limits surrounding the new intersection being erected at 1st Line and Highway 9.
Prior to the change, east of the intersection had a speed limit of 80 km/h while west of it was capped at 60 km/h.
“Because of the construction of a new traffic control signal at the intersection, it is appropriate to maintain the same speed limit along Highway 9 on both sides of the intersection,” she said via an e-mail on Wednesday.
“A continuous speed limit of 60 km/h on this section of Highway 9 will deter motor- ists from accelerating in the eastbound direction in the vicinity of the new traffic control signal.”
She added that the change should also help reduce the speeds of vehicles approaching the intersection in the westbound direction as well.
Before making the decision, the Ministry of Transportation also reviewed the land uses and concentration of driveway accesses on Highway 9 to the east of the 1st Line intersection to determine what the appropriate location to transition from 60 to 80 km/h would be.
The decision was not made due to any traffic issues through the area, and the speed limit change will be permanent.