April 22, 2021 · 0 Comments
Fortunately, police chiefs around the province are standing true to their oath, having sworn only to Her Majesty The Queen, and the Constitution of Canada — and are categorically refusing to carry out directives from Doug Ford’s government.
This is a welcomed mutiny. But is nonetheless extremely disturbing.
Within is a clear breakdown of governance which needs to be immediately put to the Speaker of the House, so as to call on a vote of confidence.
Regardless of future outcomes, political resignations are in order.
Sylvia Jones …for self-respecting citizens who are not bound by party politics, know it has become impossible to respect the position and level of competence of your government.
By virtue of not categorically denying your support for citizens who choose to engage in acts of enforcement — to be otherwise performed only by sworn peace officers — speaks to the ineptitude of your government, and sends a clear message that elected officials have lost control and command.
To maintain the shreds of public respect that may remain, I implore you to never again refer to, nor publish, the term “Ford Nation” when communicating within your official capacities.
Regardless of the “contract” between you and the Premier, this is a reminder that your responsibility is to the province of Ontario, not a fictitious autonomous zone that had been made up in the mind of a punk.
Darrin Davidson