November 3, 2022 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
The Museum of Dufferin will be hosting a new exhibit focused on ‘Architecture in Harmony with Nature.’
Featuring a selection of projects from award winning Czech architect, Martin Rajniš, alongside historic images from the MoD’s archival collection, this exhibition explores how modern architecture and traditional construction materials can work together to be in harmony with nature.
Professor Rajniš is a well-known Czech architect and the leading figure behind a small architecture firm called ‘Hut Architecktury Martin Rajniš’ Translated to English, it means ‘Guild of Architecture.’
For the past few decades, professor Rajniš has designed and constructed some fantastic structures and has won many awards throughout his career, including the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture in 2014.
Wooden structures can last for one hundred years or more, making wood a popular choice of building material both historically and in modern times. It is inexpensive, flexible, and easy to size and connect. In 1995, professor Rajniš and his team began studying, exploring, and testing new ways to use wood in construction. Combined with steel details, glass, and modern digital technology, professor Rajniš and his team create buildings that are referred to as ‘natural architecture.’
“If we seek a common speech with all people on the planet, if we want contemporary architecture to be accessible and communicable to all, the logical point of departure is based on the principles of nature,” professor Rajniš said. “Natural architecture is not the one that is romantic in style or mimicking free forms observed in the natural world but the one that is respecting law of nature.”
‘Architecture in Harmony with Nature’ will be on display in the Silo Gallery at the Museum of Dufferin form Nov. 12 to Jan. 28, 2023.
An opening reception will be held on Nov. 12 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., with admission by donation.