September 16, 2021 · 0 Comments
After 34 years as a soldier, six in private industry and 25 as a farmer, I detect a worrisome national trend: a move to extremes. Toronto media create a problem, tear into it for days or weeks depending on its potential life, and then tackle another subject before we solve the first one.
Examples of extremes include the “discovered” indigenous school burial grounds, which were actually known by natives and churches throughout their existence but which had not been maintained like “white” graveyards.
Examples include the destruction of memorials to our nation’s creator, Sir John A Macdonald, who almost single-handedly persuaded the signers of the agreement, the British Crown and Parliament, and a reluctant Liberal leader Sir Wilfred Laurier to allow responsible government in Canada. Sir John refused to approve indigenous schools until he was assured that attendance was entirely voluntary, but the Toronto media decree otherwise.
Egerton Ryerson proposed universal schooling for all children, learned a native language, was honoured by the indigenous people with a native name and died in 1882 before the school system was established.
Newly elected (1921) Liberal Prime Minister William Lyon MacKenzie King made indigenous school attendance compulsory in 1922, and served longer than any other Canadian prime minister. Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper apologized on behalf of all Canadians. We have been apologizing ever since; the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report.
To solve the housing crisis, we frantically scramble to build more homes, instead of considering how many immigrants Canada’s welfare system, residential developments, jobs and cities can absorb in a year. Instead of toughening the libel law we organize biased social-media editing teams.
There is no debate of the “global warming” issue because most media and political parties have decreed it “settled.” Opposition is attacked as “denial,” normally a respectful word but not these days.
If one does not fly a rainbow banner under, or illegally above, the Canadian flag, one is vilified for not being “woke” enough and gets fired. (What does “woke” mean?)
Alberta is on the verge of separation, while Quebec continues to flaunt the threat (but not the action) to extract “equalization” from the west. No compromise is permitted; we are either western or eastern, back or white, “left” or “right.” We are obliged to choose sides.
We leap from one crisis to another as the media hype the interest of the day. We cannot make fun of politicians, as the CBC’s Rawhide did in the 1960s and 1970s, without reprisals. No concessions are made to the good ideas of opposing government parties. The US two-party system and its attendant extremism have oozed into Canada and infect our thinking.
Here’s a thought. Perhaps there are shades of grey between our current choices. “Multiple Choice” voting would yield Liberal governments every election; “Proportional Representation” like in Australia might temper the extremes but elect “the Left.” There may be other options. Those normally too busy making a living to ponder politics might offer new ideas.
Charles Hooker
East Garafraxa