March 23, 2017 · 0 Comments
THE POTENTIALLY DEADLY carbon monoxide (CO) leakage at the Grand Valley arena last Sunday should raise more than a few alarms.
The initial investigation having indicated that the deadly gas was emitted by the arena’s ‘Zamboni,’ the main question we have is why the leakage went undetected by the arena’s alarm system.
Since late 2013 Ontario has had a law, the Hawkins-Gignac Act, named after Ontario Provincial Police Constable Laurie Hawkins (née Gignac) and her family, which requires CO detectors near each home’s sleeping quarters. (Ms. Hawkins, her husband Richard, daughter Cassandra and son Jordan died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a gas fireplace in their Woodstock, Ont., home in November, 2008.)
However, the Act applies only to a building if it “contains one or more suites designed for residential occupancy; and a fuel-burning appliance is installed in the building or the building contains a storage garage.”
Last Sunday’s experience suggests rather strongly that all public places such as recreation centres should be required to have multiple CO detectors tied into loud alarms.