October 29, 2014 · 0 Comments
After nearly two months straight of campaigning, extreme signage, debates and Facebook conversations, the municipal elections in Dufferin are history.
This year will see the county have two new mayors sworn in, as Orangeville Councillor Jeremy Williams became Mayor-elect with a 5.68 percentage point lead over incumbent Rob Adams. Meanwhile, Steve Soloman emerged as Grand Valley’s new mayor, trouncing incumbent John Oosterhof in a three-way race.
“It feels really good to be elected,” said Mr. Williams. “There’s an awful lot of work ahead of me, but I’m very excited to get started and do some of the things that I have promised to do.”
He added that he attributes much of his success to the team of supporters he had throughout the entire campaign period.
“A lot of people came out to support me, both on election night and throughout my campaign,” he said. “They helped with signs, they helped with fliers, and they helped with all the nuts and bolts. It was really great to have that kind of support.”
Winning the race for Orangeville’s Deputy Mayor was incumbent Warren Maycock, who consistently kept the lead above his two competitors, Sandy Brown and Kim Reid throughout the polls.
“I am humbled by the support the residents of Orangeville have shown in me,” said Mr. Maycock. “I am honoured to once again serve as your Deputy Mayor. I will continue to work diligently on your behalf.”
Council will see only two new faces this term, as incumbents Gail Campbell, Scott Wilson and Sylvia Bradley were re-elected alongside new councillors Don Kidd and Nick Garisto.
All told, the 7,544 ballots cast represented a voter turnout of only 39.3 per cent – far below the 61 per cent of eligible voters who cast ballots in Toronto.
Councillor Williams received 3,940 votes for mayor (52.84%) to Mayor Adams’ 3,517 (47.16%).
For deputy mayor, Warren Maycock polled 3,200 (43.84% of votes cast), Sandy Brown getting 2,519 (34.51%) and Kim Reid 1,581 (21.66%).
The five successful candidates for councillor were Nick Garisto, who topped the polls with 3,789 votes (12.44%). Scott Wilson followed with 3,454 (11.34%), Don Kidd came next with 3236 (10.62%), while Sylvia Bradley garnered 3142 (10.31%) and Gail Campbell 2885 (9.47%).
The nine unsuccessful candidates, and their votes polled: Debbie Sherwood, 2512 (8.25%); Lisa Post, 2117 (6.95%); Darrin Davidson, 1923 (6.31%); Chris Thompson, 1815 (5.96%); Margo Young, 1,354 (4.44%); Scott Craggs, 1285 (4.22%); Alex Buchanan, 1262 (4.14%); Brad Fournier-Simoes, 979 (3.21%) and Frank Robert Nagy, 711 (2.33%).
Elsewhere in South Dufferin, the Town of Mono had the lowest voter turnout at 25.6 per cent, perhaps because Mayor Laura Ryan had been returned by acclamation.
Deputy Mayor Ken McGhee was returned to office, edging out councillor Elaine Capes with 895 votes (53.4%) to her 781 (46.6%).
Newcomer Ralph Manktelow topped the polls for the three councillor seats with 976 votes (55.8%), followed by incumbent Fred Nix with 849 votes (48.5%) and Sharon Martin with 845 (48.3%).
Not earning seats were Karen Rosenbrock who received 617 votes, Bob McCrae 531, Richard Clarke 475, and Doreen Pollard 245.
In Grand Valley, which had the highest voter turnout with 983 ballots representing 44.6 per cent of eligible voters, Deputy Mayor Steve Soloman headed the three-way race for mayor with 807 votes (82.1%) to incumbent John Oosterhof’s 131 (13.3%) and newcomer Denis Houle’s 41 (0.4%).
The town’s three council seats will be filled by John Ince, who got 555 votes (56.5%), Philip Rentsch with 523 (53.2%) and Elizabeth Taylor with 490 (49.8%). Losers (in alphabetical order) were Tracy Clarkson, who polled 132 votes, Earl Lyons (112), Myrna Roberts (329) and Gary Allan Whitworth (402).
In the Township of East Garafraxa, where Guy Gardhouse and John Stirk won office by acclamation as mayor and deputy mayor, respectively, the three councillor seats will be filled by Tom Nevills, who got 498 votes, Fran Pinkney with 462 votes and Lenora Banfield, who received 415. Steve Cavell got 358 votes and Michael Johnson 103.
Meanwhile, Amaranth saw a close race for mayor between the successful incumbent, Don MacIver, who received 434 votes and Deputy Mayor Walter Kolodziechuk, who polled 380.
Jane Aultman having become deputy mayor by acclamation, the other race was for councillor. Chris Gerrits topped the polls with 457 votes, while Heather Foster – 449 and Gail Little will fill the other seats with 449 and 423 votes, respectively. David Martin followed with 345 votes, while Percy Way received 255 and Joe Lanzino 128.